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Lazy - -
127 Deviations
Oh my, its been years I didn't update any jornal, I better right one now. : 3
It might sound a little sudden but I'm going to study abroad in Japan on Apri and I already quit my work. I made up this decision about six month ago, I always have this in mind, I mean go to another country, study their language and culture. And I usually need to interact with travelers at(on?) my work. Most of them are Japanese and English users. I can still speak a little English but cant even say a word in Japanese, that's why I decided to go. (and also because I like Japanese anime things. :3)

Its a hard decision to me to do this, some of my friends think its not worth to quit a stable and go study abroad...I can truely understand that. It getting harder and harder to find a work in Taiwan. However, since I always have this in mind, and I don't know if I'll regret this or not in the future,  I rather do this then don't do anything and keep thinking and dreaming.

Anyway, all the preparing are down and I bought myself a laptop so that I can use net work and maybe use it to draw. Now I just need to wait until 3/31 and take the plain, will goto the language school their for 1 year, hope everything will be fine.

Oh btw, since this might spent all of my save money I "might" take commission again when I settle down, I hope so...
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Well, its been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time since my last update. The biggest change since that is I found a job. Its a mass transit related company, and because of this, the time I can use is less.
Another reason is because lots of my drawing recently is nsfw. So I can't put them here~lol

I planned to talk a lot this time, but when I started to type, I don't know what to say again...anyway, happy new year, wish I can update more often this year!
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1 min read
一個自稱當地瓦斯公司服務員的人來, 跟我說要做例行瓦斯檢查, 隨即以瓦斯有漏氣為由給我裝了他們的產品
混蛋狗屎...那時候我剛當完兵回來沒很久根本沒料到對方不是正牌的, 因此就傻傻的被耍了, 錢也被騙走了

其實是後想想這種事情以前也碰過, 偏偏今天腦殘又剛好碰到, 腦袋都在想別的事情, 一時不察就上當了, 管你擋下千百次, 一上當就痛死你

跟家人報備時沒想到家人只想著要息事寧人, 勸我把錢吞下來當作學個教訓就算了, 我當然是不願意吞下, 於是開始了為期一個多月的抗戰
事前已經跟業者聯絡, 想當然對方態度很差, 只想讓我放棄念頭
收到回執, 對方似乎也收到消保會電話, 態度還是很拖, 表示既然申訴了那就等文來再說, 反正就是推託
政府機關給的處理期限到了, 對方還是在裝死
向消保會做出二次申訴, 同時在接下來的每一天打電話去吵他們
對方的接線生被我搞發飆了, 每一通電話都有錄音存證
繼續吵, 對方的接線生改口叫我去吵當初幫我裝的人, 跟對方吵了之後約定隔日來退貨
同時向公平交易會申訴, 得知對方之前已經被他們k過了, 且這家每k一次換一次名字繼續騙, 整個就是鑽法律漏洞的渾蛋業者
等了一天, 對方沒來
跟對方聯絡, 對方表示不讓他們收工本費就不來, 跟他吵了一架
吵到他暴走好幾次, 同樣全程錄音
當天晚上, 家人一直力勸我算了, 要收費就給他收算了, 很無力阿...
以迂迴的方式談退費, 對方似乎相信了, 很得意的說會找時間來, 還自以為是的教訓我
今天人來了, 家人跟對方達成協議, 給了對方約4分之1的前做工本費, 把事情結束

咦, 最後變成這樣?有種我在一頭熱個什麼勁的感覺, 相信我之術完全沒有用武之地阿
事前有跟派出所聯絡對方說會派人來看看, 結果樓下的門鈴竟然在這陣子失靈了, 他們竟然也沒打電話來!?就這樣走掉了?我操

不過...其實對方畢竟是幹詐騙的, 嘴巴很會扯, 雖然當天我一直跟他辯論, 不過找不到切入點去嗆他, 講到重點對方就很油條的躲掉了, 最終也只能這樣達成協議
至少我在背後捅他刀了, 公平會說調查屬實會再K他們一次, 雖然他們也不怕啦, 但至少不會讓他們這麼好過 失去的錢就只能當做自己花錢買經驗了

我真的, 就某方面來說要感謝這次機會, 我學到了很多東西, 包含收集證據, 跟渾蛋交涉, 跟老油條只想推託的警察交涉, 跟政府機關交涉, 以及蒐集證據和桶他們刀, 這些都是難能可貴的經驗, 雖然能夠以不要被騙就學到是最好的, 但至少我沒有真的聽父母的話就這樣放棄, 從頭到尾一個人努力過了, 大概也多少有點成長吧, 雖然最後的結果還是讓他們拿到一些錢了, 他們主也是靠收工本費, 不完全退費在賺的, 不過至少我也跟公家機關申訴了, 接下來就只能相信他們了

我, 一開始有點討厭家人的態度, 不過畢竟是家人阿, 我可以理解爲什麼他們會這樣想, 而且最後交涉時他們畢竟還是幫我的, 就這樣付點錢了事, 雖然不是完美但也避免事情繼續拖下去, 且我也跟他們溝通過了, 表明我並不是考慮到划不划算, 而是不管結果如何, 有去嘗試總比什麼都不做要好, 這些經驗不是呆在家裡死讀書或是整天後悔就可以學到的, 當然父母人生歷練比我多很多, 考量的自然也比較實際, 但也正式因為我歷練不足, 才可以這樣亂衝吧

嘛, 我還是很氣自己的無力, 沒辦法把事情處理的更好, 希望下次能夠更成熟些

不對, 應該說希望不要再有下次了www
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Well, after sending mails to IMVU, they finally took my art down. Coz of my bad English, I couldn't know what exactly should I write in the takedown notice, so I send 4 times to IMVU and finally work.

I feel like a big rock in my heart has been taken away...thx again to the one who told me this, thank you.
And also people who leave comments and encouraged me, you guys are all too nice to me. : p

To say the truth, it's not first time I saw my arts been upload on other places, and some of them even been reform...

I don't really care if you put my art on other places, I already used to this, though I feel a little unhappy to see my arts been reform...and selling it? That's too over. I really hope this *** **** things won't happen on me again...
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art theft

2 min read
Just few days ago, I got a note, some one told me that one of my art "queen bee" has been sold on IMVU which title is "queenbee", 350 credits. And the person send me the note to make sure if I know this.

I never heard about this site (sorry about my ignorance), and I don't know the guy who upload my art either, the only thing I know is that I never said "Sure, you can have my art selling on IMVU, feel free to do it!" to anyone.

I just got that nice person's note and tell my how to tell them take my art down and send a mail already, well...send to, right? Anyway, I hope they notice this as soon as they could, and I don't have any license to proof it, so I write this hournal, coz tis site need something to proof it, and I hope this work.
I really don't get it, though I don't know 350 credits is cheap or expensive, is that so appealing for someone to do that?
Another thing makes my really unhappy is, that's an old work, which was made while I'm still trying to find my style, I feel like someone punched my nose...if you really want to be an art theft, then steal something new, is that mean my new art is nothing but all juck? Well, just some complain, never mind.

Anyway, I hope this will work, or I don't know what should i do next.
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Recent situation by Visark, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Visark, journal

fraud by Visark, journal

art theft-result by Visark, journal

art theft by Visark, journal